3 Tactics To Reliability Coherent Systems
The functions Φsp(F∗1,F∗2,F∗3,t), and Φps(F∗1,F∗2,F∗3,t), based on sub-distributions F∗1, F∗2, and F∗3, areThe SDF F∗1, F∗2, and F∗3 determine (uniquely) the DF F2 of an SPS for t≤t∗ by F2(t)=Φsp(F∗1,F∗2,F∗3,t), and the DF F2 of a PSS for t≤t∗ by F2(t)=Φps(F∗1,F∗2,F∗3,t). This section presents two examples to demonstrate the estimation